
Arab-Islamic Goliath slave trade & Islamic fascist Farrakhan lie

ARAB SLAVE TRADE While the Goliath Arab Islamic slave trade was immense and its lingering effects and discrimination are still in various areas: Arab slave trade covers various periods in which a slave trade has been carried out under the auspices of Arab peoples or Arab countries. Such as: - Al-Andalus slave trade. - Barbary slave trade. - Trans-Saharan slave trade. - Indian Ocean slave trade. - Comoros slave trade. - Zanzibar slave trade. - Ottoman slave trade. - Red Sea slave trade. Hentz, James J. (2013). Routledge Handbook of African Security. p.294 Unfortunately these racist attitudes were to persist, given slavery's twin legacy, that of Arabism and Islamism. ____ Lawson, Edward H. (1996). Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Taylor & Francis. p. 1418 . ...ingrained psychology of racism or Arabism which deems the Dinka inferior. ____ Murray, G. (1989).  Slavery in the Arab World.  United States: New Amsterdam Books.

Neo Nazi Nick Fuentes now anti Trump

D Vance says he ‘disavows’ Nick Fuentes: ‘A total loser’ “The Hill. (Aug 11, 2024). — “The Justice Department has labeled Fuentes a white supremacist, and he is known for his racist and antisemitic rhetoric.” Nick Fuentes Says ‘Perfidious Jews’ Should Be Executed. Rolling Stone. (December 13, 2023) Nick Fuentes X Account Reinstated, Again. Forbes (May 4, 2024). — “White supremacist Nick Fuentes...” White Nationalist Nick Fuentes, Subpoenaed by Jan. 6 Committee, Suggested Killing Legislators Days Before Riot. MSN. (January 19, 2022).

Fake quotes and lies on Talmud

  32 years ago when the web and www was new I was friends of one of the early or founding contributors to Nizkor Project, 1991-2012. Nizkor specialized in Shoa denial refutation but it also had a Talmud distortion section which was mostly sourced from 1990s usenet discussion (here's a antisemite favourite Jews condone enoucrage sexual relations from 3 year onwards ) Having some experience in this and the mindset of the other side, what makes Talmud-based antisemitism so effective (which is why the Catholic Church, Luther, all salon antisemites, Streicher of course used it) is that it's what some else once called truth-adjacent: Many quotes are indeed not made up but re-interpreted as maliciously as po

How the Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran reports on innocent Jews murdered by racist Arab Islamists

  Enter the Z word. ..

More from Hitler fan Candace Owens new lies rewriting history

There are basically these types of fantasy theories (bigotry related) peddlers. 1. The ignorant and the gullible. In the minority.  2. Malicious, who mostly don't believe in what they propagate but would like others to believe it. Because they hate.  3. The same as #2 but have been convincing themselves to believe in what they did not, overtime. At least much of it. (Goebbels did not believe that the [infamous forgery]  Protocols   were true.  When he told Hitler --who told him to use it-- that it's  fiction, Hitler said, yes, it's fake but also true). More from Hitler fan Candace Owens new lies rewriting history: ____ Candace Owens Defends Hitler. Really. Ayn Rand Centre UK. July 12, 2024. ____ Combat Antisemitism Movement @CombatASemitism: It is an established fact that SS officer Josef Mengele performed deadly experiments on Jewish twins during the Holocaust. Not 80 years later, @RealCandaceO tries to rewrite history by denying these depraved acts ever happened. Utt

Interviewee: "As a palestinian she is not doing much for my country... I've, I know people who have lost family in Gaza"

"As a palestinian, she is not doing much for my country... I've lost, like... I've known people that have lost family members..." Martha Raddatz Reports. This Week on ABC, around 10:35 AM ET __ Palestine Firster and Taqiyya too: she "lost" or she "knows someone" who lost in Gaza... An interviewee by Martha, right after showing Mrs. Mohammed - one of the 30 "uncommitted" delegates that will be at the DNC. At 2:35 time stamp. This Week with George Stephanopoulos Full Broadcast - Sunday, Aug 18, 2024 ABC News

Amna Nawaz interviews Ahmad Yousaf: Another Pallywood propagates at US media: "MedGlobal" which also lied and spread fake numbers on the Oct 17 al-Ahli Islamic Jihad rocket hitting hospital.

Amna Nawaz interviews Ahmad Yousaf: Another Pallywood propagates at US media: "MedGlobal" which also lied and spread fake numbers on the Oct 17 al-Ahli Islamic Jihad rocket hitting hospital. 08.15.25, PBS Newshour's Amna Nawaz chose to interview this guy and asked him about the Hamas-numbers. It was a prepared "question," because Ahmad has been saying already before that Hamas' numbers are supposedly "correct" and even said the casualties are "higher." ____ CNN’s Investigations: Glossing Over Questions of Credibility. By: David Litman January 5, 2024 [....] Abu Safiya was also one of the Gaza health officials involved in spreading the lie that an Israeli airstrike hit al-Ahli Hospital on October 17. MedGlobal, the organization for which Abu Safiya serves as the lead physician in Gaza, put out a statement that night claiming, “500 people have been killed in the Israeli bombing of [al-Ahli] Baptist Hospital.” The statement then directly quo