
Showing posts from October, 2024

ACPC To the US, UN Jan 1948

The Meriden Daily Journal , Jan 28, 1948, p.9 Meriden Record , Jan 28, 1948, p. 7 To the United States and the United Nations... Since the United Nations General Assembly voted for the partition of Palestine on November 29, 1947, a shameful and deeply disquieting situation has arisen to which public opinion cannot remain indifferent. Openly defying the United Nations, the governments of the Arab Slates, themselves members, of tho UN, are deliberately encouraging aggression against the Jews of Palestine. They are using Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and as bases for these operations. They are providing funds, ammunition and military training, and have already launched attacks in force from Syria and Lebanon against Palestinian Jews. In Palestine itself this state of affairs has resulted in unbridled violence by armed Arab hands organized by Haj. Amin el Husseini, the same Arab lender who during the war immeasurably aided Hitler in broadcasts from Berlin urging the Moslems of the Middle

Yosef Brojda's "Memoirs of a Jewish Partisan in the Forests of Brańsk" (Translated from Massuah)

Josef Brojde, Jewish commander of a partisan company in Belorussia. Massuah.  Volumes 7-10.  Massuah (the Institute). 1979. pp. 223-225 . ___ Massuah (the institute).   Yitzhak Alprowitz: "The Jewish partisans in the forests of Brańsk".   In his book "Memoirs of a Jewish Partisan in the Forests of Brańsk", Yosef Broida [Brojda] unfolds before us in an easy and fascinating style the supreme affair of the fighters of the town of Brańsk, (in Bialystok [Białystok] district) in all its power and exclusion.  This is the first time that a large-scale literary work has appeared that reviews the origin, history, life and fighting of a Jewish partisan company, which operated in the forests of Brańsk.  In this book by Yosef Broide, who was the commander of the aforementioned company, we find a wonderful and fascinating description of the armed Jewish resistance in a narrow section of the Bialystok region, from which we learn how starving youths retained the strength to t