Daily Star's Arab journalist Leila Hatoum rewriting history re Hitler's Palestine Mufti and more


 Rewriting history? 

Now to the facts:

Times, dates results:

Haavara was a program to save Jews. And it did. Zionists or not. It ended before WW2. It ended in 1939 with the start of World War II. And over 2 years before Hitler saw there is a consensus in his government for the "final solution." (Wannsee Conference: Jan 1942). 

Mufti was against who? He did what?

Hitler's mufti didn't advocate against "zionist" Jews, but against any Jew. Just like Hitler. "Kill [preached al Husseini] the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases Allah, history and religion." [*
Unique: he is the only religious leader photographed with Hitler. 

After coining the genocidal 'adbakh al yahud' in early 1920s, inciting to massacres, including the Hebron 1929 - non-Zionists, pious Jews... rapes too. 

* He rushed to contact Nazis in 1933. * Asked fascist Italy for assistance in poisoning the waters of Tel Aviv - 1936. 

* Sent Fattah Imam 1936/1937 to Berlin. 

* Set up the Hitler Youth modeled Futuwwa, with Jamal Husseini. 1936.

* Distributed the Islamist 'Mein Kampf' pamphlet (Islam Und Judaism [Judentum], published by Mohammed Ali Al-Taher in Cairo) in Bludan 1937 - via his Ahmad Shukeiri, then it was used in 1943 to motivate SS Muslims troops he led to commit atrocities. 

* Instigated to the Arab-Nazi Farhud pogrom June/1941 in Iraq, which according to some, over 1,000 were butchered. 

* 1941-1945: Broadcast to inflame the Arab world for a pro Hitler jihad and pro genocide. Wrote in Nazi publication in Arabic: 'Barid al Sharq'. 

* He plotted a Crematorium in Dotan Valley for 1942. 

* Toured (more than one) concentration camp with Nazi officials. 

* Summer 1943, his buddy H. Himmler informed him that 3 million Jews are already murdered. 

* Intervened against saving 5,000 children who were about to escape to the Holy land. 1943. 

* He urged the nazis to bomb Jerusalem and Tel Aviv when they were losing. For six months in 1943.


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