Asa Winstanley racist liar

CAMERA - Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis.

Electronic Intifada Continues to Struggle With Quotations - By: Gilead Ini, August 15, 2013.

Electronic Intifada has a problem with quotations. The virulently anti-Israel website can’t seem to use them accurately or discuss them honestly, most recently stumbling into a controversy about a letter penned by Israeli founding father David Ben Gurion.

This probably shouldn’t come as a great surprise. After all, those behind the site, which directs its wrath not only at Israel but also at peace talks and Palestinian moderates, have repeatedly demonstrated problems with accuracy.


Electronic Intifada founder Ali Abunimah, for example, belittled the rockets [...]

The extremes of the website’s positions led one Palestinian moderate to describe Abunimah as “the talented writer at the Electronic Intifada whose words are driven by hatred of Jews.

Problems with Quotes.

The hatred that keeps Electronic Intifada going might also be responsible for the sloppiness with which the site handles quotations.

For example, Abunimah based one of his articles on an inflammatory statement purportedly made by Israeli official. “In 2002,” the Electronic Intifada founder wrote, “Israeli army chief Moshe Ya’alon declared that ‘the Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people.’”

After a CAMERA investigation found that this was a false quote, Abunimah was forced to admit in an “editor’s note” buried at the end of his article that the quote was not verifiable. (Although his website generally is full of extrapolation, induction and conjecture, he could not bring himself to admit here that the invented quote is simply false.)

If only Electronic Intifada approached the Ya’alon quote with even a fraction of the skepticism they brought to bear in an attempt to discredit a quote by Martin Luther King slamming anti-Zionism as a form of anti-Semitism. The website devoted 2,500 words to casting doubt on the veracity and significance of King’s demonstrable support for Israel, concluding in an essay that there are “a few reasons for casting doubt on the authenticity” of the reverend’s statement, “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.”

It is easy to understand why Electronic Intifada would want to sow doubts about the quote. By King’s calculus, the website, so much of which is devoted to bashing “Zionists,” is guilty of the oldest hatred. But here, too, Abunimah’s site stumbled, confusing various quotes and misquotes en route to the conclusion that, because King was not in the Boston area in 1968, the quote is suspect.

If the smoke and mirrors work, it is only because King is documented making the statement in 1967, not 1968.

Which brings us to Electronic Intifada’s mishandling of Ben Gurion.

One EI article refers to a fabricated quotation first promoted by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, who claimed Ben Gurion said “The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as a war.”

According to the author, Charlotte Silver, the sole problem with this quote is that a version of Pappé’s article “provides the wrong citation for the quotation,” but that the quote “does appear” in a letter Ben Gurion wrote to his son.

But this is pure mendacity. In fact, although Electronic Intifada tries to convince its readers otherwise, Ben Gurion simply never made the statement. There is no “right citation” for the quote because it is a hoax.

Finally, Electronic Intifada revisited the issue in a second article — not to correct Silver’s falsehood (the piece approvingly links to her earlier article) but to obscure the matter even further.

The piece, published several days ago, misleads in several ways.

Wading into a well-worn dispute, Electronic Intifada blogger Asa Winstanley claims Ben Gurion wrote in a letter to his son: “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”

Winstanley goes on to dismiss as “CAMERA’s theory” that scribbled-over text in the original letter indicates that Ben Gurion originally wrote “We do not want to and we do not have to expel Arabs and take their place.” This “strange theory,” he argues, “verges on conspiracy theory.”

If Winstanley were more honest, it would be clear that it is he, if anyone, who dabbles in conspiracy theory. This is because CAMERA’s detailed article about the Ben Gurion letter makes clear, and Winstanley conceals, that the issues raised by the scribbled text have been discussed at great length by numerous researchers, including some of the most important scholars on Israel and its history. As CAMERA explained,

The letter, and more importantly, the nuances of the specific passage about (not) expelling Arabs, is discussed by scholars including Arye Naor in the journal Israel Studies; Shabtai Teveth in Ben-Gurion ve’Arvie Eretz Israel and in the Hebrew journal Alpayim; Ilan Greilsammer in La Nouvelle Histoire d’Israël; Véronique Meimoun in Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem; Efraim Karsh in Fabricating Israeli History; and Benny Morris in Alpayim.

Winstanley might prefer his readers see this group of notable researchers as conspiring to cast doubt on what Ben Gurion’s letter clearly says; but that would be an argument more suited for the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists at (who, incidentally, often rely on Electronic Intifada) than a serious discussion about Ben Gurion.

Instead of mentioning any of the above scholars, Electronic Intifada decided to ask “two professional Hebrew translators and a linguist” — all anti-Israel activists who have contributed to or helped Electronic Intifada in the past! — for their opinions.

The results are predictable. One of EI’s assistants insisted that it is “difficult to decipher what exactly is written underneath these scribbles,” and so he does not bother to do so. But the relevant text is quite decipherable. It states, in Hebrew, “ein anu rotzeem ve’ein….” (This roughly translates to “We don’t want to and we don’t….”

Naturally, Electronic Intifada also omits the context of the quote. Were they to show readers the very next sentence, they would be stuck having to make the case that Ben Gurion wrote the absurd and self-contradictory passage, “We must expel Arabs and take their place. All of our ambitions are built on the assumption that has proven true throughout all of our activities in the land — that there is enough room for us and for the Arabs in the land [of Israel].”

And naturally, Winstanley omits other relevant context from the letter, which is full of calls for Jewish-Arab cooperation and alliance:

“The greater the Jewish strength in the country, the more the Arabs will realize that it is neither beneficial nor possible for them to withstand us. On the contrary, it will be possible for the Arabs to benefit enormously from the Jews, not only materially but politically as well.”

“… the Arabs will realize that it is better for them to become our allies …”

“They will derive benefits from our assistance if they, of their own free will, give us the opportunity to settle in all parts of the country.”

“… the Jews could be equal allies, real friends, not occupiers or tyrants over them.”

“It is very probable that they will agree that we undertake the development of the Negev and make it prosper in return for our financial, military, organizational, and scientific assistance.”

In short, just as they lied about Palestinian rockets and New York Times cover photos, and just as they had misled about Ya’alon, and about Martin Luther King, and about Pappé, Electronic Intifada’s authors continue to mislead about Ben Gurion.

This was not an investigation, it was the harassment of Jews dressed up as entertainment.

Al Jazeera’s documentary series was a fishing expedition in which its undercover reporter attempted to catch out British Jews.
Marcus Dysch, January 12, 2017.
Asa Winstanley, the Electronic Intifada writer who had “revealed” details of Ms Rose’s embassy job, is then wheeled out by Al Jazeera to explain his apparent success.

He looks misty-eyed as he describes feeling “threatened” by her suggestion he was a “dickhead” who could “go and die in a hole”.

What Mr Winstanley does not reveal is that he had himself been warned at the Labour conference last September that the JLM regarded his work on Ms Rose as “bullying of a young Jewish woman because of her career choices”, a charge he disagreed with at the time, saying people had “a right to know” about her past employment.

The Orwellian nature of Al Jazeera’s disgraceful set-up is plain to see.

These are not “revelations”, and this was not an “investigation”. It was a fishing expedition in which the channel, and its undercover reporter, attempted to catch-out young British Jews..

Sheikh who quoted Goebbels reference to Jews as ‘fleas’ appears at Palestine Expo
Event organisers say Ebrahim Bham quoted Goebbels to compare treatment of Palestinians by Israel to that of Jews under the Nazis.

By Lee Harpin.
July 09, 2017
In an address on the “Zionist lobby”, Asa Winstanley, an anti-Zionist writer said “Friends of Israel” groups were far better funded that their Palestinian

An open ‘response’ for Asa Winstanley at Electronic Intifada.
Oct 25, 2017.
.... Holocaust Deniers and rabid antisemites didn’t faze him, but suddenly Winstanley becomes the defenders of Jews. The email shows exactly what this animal is like at work. Reliant on sources that lie, deliberate misquotes, character assassination, guilt by association, and so on.

(Asa Winstanley: Another Palestine propagandist upset over the 60,000 Jews saved by Zionists):

Middle East Monitor’s Asa Winstanley Alleges Jews Allied (lied bigot Winstanley) with Nazis.
The Zionist. Feb 5, 2018.

Labour infected with antisemitism says 8th MP to quit UK party.
By Jeremy Sharon, February 20, 2019.
...She also said that Winstanley had previously accused her of “belonging to a front group for the Israeli Embassy” because she is Jewish, adding “I utterly oppose the Israeli government.”

March / 2019.
Fathom Report | Institutionally Antisemitic: Contemporary Left Antisemitism and the Crisis in the British Labour Party.
by Alan Johnson.

‘A compelling and comprehensive read that focuses on precisely the reasons we have referred the Labour Party to the EHRC for institutional racism.’
– Peter Mason, National Secretary, Jewish Labour Movement

‘An extraordinary document which should be read as much outside the UK as within it. Leftists everywhere are in Johnson’s debt (though some of them may not realise it).’
– Michael Walzer, professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey and editor emeritus of Dissent.

‘The best piece of work we currently have regarding the weight of examples of antisemitism and of institutional responsibility and failure.’
– Mark Gardner, Director of Communications at the Community Security Trust.

‘Prof Johnson’s report is an authoritative and compelling analysis of Contemporary Left antisemitism and the Labour Party. It is a sobering read and one which gives real academic justification of the positions that the Jewish community has increasingly taken in relation to the Labour Party in recent years.’ – Simon Johnson, Chief Executive, Jewish Leadership Council

‘An excellent evidence-based report on the systemic failure of the Labour Party to combat antisemitism within its ranks’
– Associate Professor Philip Mendes, author of Jews and the Left: The rise and fall of a political alliance, Palgrave.

‘Johnson’s clarion call to the Left is an essential guide to the re-emergence of the world’s oldest hatred. Read this report and learn how to defeat the evil of antisemitism all over again.’
– Dr Nick Dyrenfurth, Executive Director, John Curtin Research Centre.

‘Alan Johnson fuses his political commitment and intellectual understanding in this compelling account of Labour’s transformation from an inclusive, anti-racist party to one now stricken with “institutional antisemitism.”’
– Ben Cohen, co-editor The Norman Geras Reader.

‘Anyone who doesn’t know the evidence of Labour antisemitism by now has chosen not to know it. But here it is, at least some of it; all of it would have required tens of thousands of banal, cringeworthy and repetitive pages. So here is a representative sample of the evidence, catalogued, referenced and explained. There comes a point when even explaining it, endlessly, like a performing seal, to a hostile and sceptical audience is itself humiliating. Thank you to Alan Johnson for his articulate and courageous effort to shoulder more than his share of that load.’
– Dr David Hirsh, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Goldsmiths College and author of Contemporary Left Antisemitism (Routledge 2017).

‘Those people who, quite rightly, want to see the evidence before they accept that the Labour Party has become institutionally antisemitic will find example after devastating example carefully laid out in Professor Johnson’s Report. It also provides a cool and lucid analysis of the nature of antisemitism and the ways in which it relates to anti-Zionism, but it’s the cumulative effect of the scrupulously sourced and documented examples which makes this study particularly illuminating about the way in which antisemitism has infected significant parts of the Labour Left.’ – Eve Garrard, Honorary Research Fellow, Dept of Philosophy, University of Manchester.

‘Professor Johnson’s report breaks new ground in its coverage and examination of institutional antisemitism in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.’ – Lesley Klaff, Editor, Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism.

‘Bad politics drives out good. Alan Johnson’s erudite and dispiriting study has catalogued, clearly and comprehensibly, the extent to which crank politics – of which antisemitism is only one aspect – has taken over a political party whose name was once synonymous with anti-racism. No longer. All political movements contain extremist elements: driven by conspiracism and hatred. In Labour, that politics has come to define the entire movement, from the top down.
This study is not simply a cautionary tale. It is also a desperate warning.’ – David Toube, Director of Policy, Quilliam International.

Professor Alan Johnson is a member of the Labour Party and Unite the Union. He is the founder and editor of Fathom: for a deeper understanding of Israel and the Region, Senior Research Fellow at BICOM, and has contributed to Guardian Comment is Free, Left Foot Forward, Labour List, Haaretz, Dissent, New Politics, World Affairs, Prospect, The New York Times and The New Statesman. He is an advisory board member of the John Curtin Research Centre, which is associated with the Australian Labor Party. He has appeared on BBC Newsnight, Al Jazeera, The Islam Channel and Sky News. He has served on the editorial boards of Socialist Organiser, Historical Materialism, and the US socialist journals New Politics and Dissent. He is the author of many works on the left, and on antisemitism,... [...]

Example 63: The JC reported that ‘Young Labour’s Chair Miriam Mirwitch has said many Jews within the party are now “scared” to speak out about antisemitism, making it harder than ever to be a Jewish member of the Labour Party.’ The JC added, ‘The Young Labour account later retweeted a post by Asa Winstanley, the Electronic Intifada writer, who has accused Ms Mirwitch of belonging to a front group for the Israeli Embassy.’..

Example 111: On the Electronic Intifada website, Asa Winstanley wrote in 2017 that ‘the smear tactic is the go-to response of Israel and its lobby’.242 Corbyn ally Chris Williamson MP has recommended Winstanley’s articles...

BBC R4 ‘Today’ Listeners Hear An Esoteric Item On Antisemitism.
By Hadar Sela, February 26, 2019.
February 23rd edition of BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today’ programme...
The anonymous journalist that Williamson claims is Jewish is Asa Winstanley – a known anti-Israel activist and a contributor to the extremist site ‘Electronic Intifada’ and the Hamas linked, London-based outfit MEMO.

Labour suspends Electronic Intifada blogger Asa Winstanley, who called JLM ‘Israeli embassy proxy.’
Mr Winstanley, who is prominent on Twitter, was suspended after it emerged he was a member.
By Jack Sommers. March 08, 2019.

Labour Suspends Electronic Intifada Writer for Baiting Jews as Anti-Semitism. Probe Begins.
by Staff | 03.08.19 11:29 am

A leading anti-Israel activist in Britain, Asa Winstanley, has been suspended from the Labour Party pending an investigation, in part for describing the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) as an “Israel Embassy proxy.”

Winstanley, a member of the Brent North Constituency Labour Party, writes for the notoriously anti-Semitic Electronic Intifada and has 27,000 followers on Twitter, The Jewish Chronicle reported Friday. News of the suspension came just hours after the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) announced that it had begun proceedings against the Labour Party over its failure to stamp out anti-Jewish hate in its ranks.

Winstanley and other anti-Israel activists at Electronic Intifada have repeatedly dismissed concerns over sickening levels of anti-Semitism in Labour as an Israeli plot and attempt to unseat the party’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

CST – Protecting Our Jewish Community.
Engine of Hate: the online networks behind the Labour Party’s Antisemitism Crisis.
4 Aug 2019.
...Analysis of articles shared by Engine Room accounts in tweets that used the research keywords developed for this report shows a propensity towards alternative media sites rather than established media. Six of the top ten articles (by volume) shared by Engine Room accounts came from a single website, Electronic Intifada, and four of them were written by a single activist, Asa Winstanley, who joined Labour in 2016 to support Corbyn but was reported to have been suspended from the party in March 2019. All four of these articles claim that the Israeli government is behind an alleged campaign to smear Corbyn as antisemitic.
July 10, 2019.

Party Conference.
The Jewish Chronicle
20 September, 2019.
“Asa Winstanley, a blogger currently under investigation for antisemitism,...”

JVLWatch @JVL_Watch
2019, 11 tweets, 5 min read. Read on Twitter
.@uklabour *THREAD* 1/11:
Asa Winstanley writes for the notorious ‘Electronic Intifada’. He has now been suspended from the Labour Party for antisemitism.

Electronic Intifada's bigot Asa Winstanley, posing as just "anti-zionist," (that guy who fought against anti-Jewish bigotry at Labour too), promoting even further Ilham Omar's Benjamins remark slammed as antisemitic. Mar/2021:

'The Benjamins may be losing their ability. By Asa Winstanley. MEMO, March 5, 2021... Omar retweeted his comment adding that “…it’s all about the Benjamins baby” using a slang term for $100 bills which have the image of Benjamin Franklin on them.'

Asa Winstanley & Ali Abunimah Deny Uighur Genocide
19 March 2021.
The founder of the Electronic Intifada Ali Abunimah and Associate Editor Asa Winstanley deny that a genocide of the Chinese Uighur minority is taking place in the country.

Asa Winstanley is an idiot
April 01, 2021.
Asa Winstanley is an idiot (and an antisemitic piece of trash), part 4/conclusion.

War of the words: The social media battleground of Israel-Gaza clashes.
By Shira Silkoff, Eve Young, June 12, 2021.

... The original Free Palestine Movement was founded in 2003 by Syrian-born Palestinian Yasser Qashlaq. It is an armed resistance movement opposed to the existence of the State of Israel, and since 2012 it has been involved in the Syrian civil war, fighting for the Syrian government and President Bashar Assad.
In 2011, the movement’s founder, Qashlaq, interviewed on the Hezbollah television network, was recorded calling Jews “human pieces of filth,” and advocated for sending Israelis back to Poland and Europe. Because of this connection to an armed movement that openly opposes the existence of Israel and that was founded by someone who has been so openly antisemitic, when “free Palestine” is used, many hear a call to violent resistance against the State of Israel as a Jewish state. The newer and less-well-known Free Palestine Movement says that it is unconnected to Qashlaq’s movement despite the shared name, and describes itself as a human rights organization, with several working groups inside and outside the US.
It claims to “challenge Israeli policies and actions that deny Palestinians their human rights, and in particular the right of unfettered access to all of Palestine.” While its website is largely inactive, it continues to share news articles sporadically, the most recent of which was posted in December 2020.
That article was written by Asa Winstanley, a British investigative journalist who works for Electronic Intifada. Winstanley was suspended from the British Labour Party in 2019 for spreading antisemitic rhetoric after saying that the Jewish Labour Movement was an “Israeli Embassy proxy,” and said that Jewish members of the Labour Party had “fabricated antisemitism.”

Anti-Zionists-Not-Antisemites Co-opt International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
David Lange, January 28, 2022.

Ali Abunimah, Anti-Semitism, Asa WInstanley, International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which commemorates the killing of six million Jews, two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population, and millions of others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. It is a day to pay respect to the victims and declare loudly “never again.” But for the antisemites of the world, this is too much, even for one day. They cannot allow the Jewish victims to rest, nor allow us living ones to commemorate them with dignity.
This is especially true for anti-Zionist-not-antisemite Ali Abunimah, for whom I have coined the nickname “Abumination” with good reason. He and fellow anti-Zionist-not-antisemite Electronic Intifada contributor Asa Winstanley decided to use the day to demonize Israel, even hijacking the hashtags #neveragain, #neverforget, and #weremember...

Fury as Iran-linked IHRC stages Wembley event chaired by disgraced academic Miller.
EXCLUSIVE: Board says Friday evening event, also featuring pro-Corbyn writer Asa Winstanley at the Islamic Human Rights Commission’s HQ in north London, ‘shows utter contempt for Jewish community’
By Lee Harpin.
August 9, 2023.

A human rights organisation alleged to have close links with Iran is at the centre of renewed controversy over its staging of an event featuring the disgraced sociology professor David Miller and a writer criticised over antisemitism claims.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) confirmed to Jewish News that the event, promoting Asa Winstanley’s book Weaponising[sic] Antisemitism, was going ahead at the organisation’s bookshop and headquarters in Preston Road, Wembley, on Friday evening, despite renewed anger this week about inflammatory comments about Jewish people made by Miller on social media.

When the three staff members working inside the IHRC store were approached by Jewish News and asked about allegations of anti-Jewish racism made against Miller and Winstanley, they all proceeded to dismiss these concerns.

They also confirmed that Miller, who was sacked in 2021 by Bristol University following a string of complaints made against him by Jewish students, and Winstanley would both be present at the event in a downstairs room at the IHRC HQ.
The discussion is also being shown online on Facebook and YouTube.
Asked about a tweet posted by Miller last week which claimed that “Jews are not discriminated against” and that they are “over-represented in Europe, North America and Latin America in positions of cultural, economic and political power”, the man working in the IHRC accepted that this was not something he would say.
But he was keen to reference Israel which he said was a “racist[sic] apartheid[sic]” state. He added: “Apartheid is one thing, saying stupid things on Twitter is another. There’s a big difference.”
Jewish News understands that concerns about the Miller-Winstanley event at the IHRC bookshop were raised at a recent meeting of Brent Council, which has come under increasing pressure to look into the activities of IHRC, which receives more than £1m in charity cash.
Miller, sacked in 2021 by Bristol University following a string of complaints made against him by Jewish students, and Winstanley will both be present at the event in a downstairs room at the IHRC HQ.
Asked to comment on the Miller-Winstanley event, the Board of Deputies told Jewish News: “The fact that the ‘Islamic Human Rights Commission’ is reportedly hosting an event with David Miller and Asa Winstanley in Wembley shows their utter contempt for the Jewish community.
“We hope local politicians in Brent will come together to make it clear that those who deny antisemitism or accuse Jews of ‘weaponising’ it should not be welcomed in the borough.”
One local resident who learned about Friday’s event emailed Jewish News saying:”The thought of having David Miller and Asa Winstanley spewing their filth makes me physically sick.”
Kosher deli located next door to the IHRC bookstore and HQ in Wembley
Phil Rosenberg, a deputy, who represents the Brent-based Brondesbury Park Synagogue, added:“The IHRC has a shameful track record in baiting the Jewish community.
“Inviting such appalling characters as David Miller and Asa Winstanley deepens the sense that the organisation has nothing to do with human rights or Islam, but that it is merely a sordid platform for those banished for bigotry elsewhere.”
Winstanley has repeatedly faced allegations of antisemitism and quit Labour ahead of an investigation into allegations against him after he described the Jewish Labour Movement as a “proxy for the Israeli Embassy”. His new book includes widely discredited claims that the “Israel lobby” was responsible for the downfall of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party.
The IHRC bookshop, which is next door to a kosher deli, was at the centre of further complaints in April after a flag bearing the slogan “Boycott Israel” and another saying “Free Palestine” were displayed in the front window, prompting complaints from local people.
Following interventions by Brent Council and local Labour MP Barry Gardiner the two flags were eventually removed.
But ahead of this week’s Miller-Winstanley event, the front window of the shop featured posters advertising the discussion and copies of the author’s book were displayed alongside other anti-Zionist text books. Three staff members in the shop insisted to Jewish News the IHRC did not engage in “political” activity but was purely a “campaigning human rights organisation”.
Jewish News asked the trio if the IHRC – which helps to stage the annual Al Quds Day rally in central London at which the flag of the terrorist organisation Hezbollah was displayed before the group was proscribed by the government – would ever campaign against allegations of human rights abuses by the Iranian regime.
Two women who worked in the shop both said: “We are not involved with Iran.” The male staffer then added: “There is nothing in our remit that says we don’t” [campaign against human rights abuses in Iran].
Asked if it would launch a campaign against the persecution of women in Iran seen in public not wearing the hijab, the man in the shop said: “As a Muslim I don’t think I need to answer that. I find that offensive. You are asking me as a Muslim. I have told you we don’t deal with Iran.”
Asked why he would not disclose his name, he said: “I don’t want to give you my name because I don’t trust you. You are asking me because I am a Muslim about what’s going on in Iran.”

Disgraced academic Miller accused of peddling racist ‘nonsense’ at latest event.
Sacked Bristol University professor David Miller and the author Asa Winstanley attempted to repeatedly smear the communal charity at event held at Iran-linked IHRC Wembley bookshop.
By Lee Harpin.
August 14, 2023, 1:10 pm
The Community Security Trust has accused the disgraced academic David Miller of maintaining his “long history of peddling antisemitic nonsense” after he chaired a discussion event with anti-Israel writer Asa Winstanley that featured sustained attacks on the communal organisation.

September/ 2023.
Rewriting the History of the Corbyn Years (Part 2): Agenda Journalism in Asa Winstanley’s book Weaponising Anti-Semitism.
by John Ware.

Cross-ideological antisemitism and the October 7th attacks.
15 December 2023.
This briefing analyses how groups from across the ideological spectrum that are otherwise opposed to each other find common ground around shared antisemitic conspiracy theories and antisemitic expressions of anti-Zionism, especially since Hamas’ 7 October attacks in Israel.
...far-right actors frequently share antisemitic materials from other movements. A recent book by the far-left Electronic Intifada editor Asa Winstanley which claims ... was shared and supported on Telegram by the likes of BNP founder Nick Griffin and channels linked to the white nationalist group Patriotic Alternative. The Equality and Human Rights Commission’s investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party declared that ‘suggesting that complaints of antisemitism are fake or smears’ can itself be antisemitic.

How woke leftists became cheerleaders for Iran.
We can now see the anti-Israel bigotry behind their phoney pacifism.
Brendan O'Neill, 15th April 2024.
...Asa Winstanley, the oddball who runs Electronic Intifada, described Iran’s attack as a ‘humanitarian intervention’ – it’s like Blairism with a Marxian veneer – and said ‘THANK YOU IRAN’. The Palestinian Youth Movement praised Iran for daring ‘to take action to bring an end to genocide [sic]’. The Palestine Solidarity Alliance at Hunter College in New York City offered Iran ‘solidarity’. A professor at California State University said ‘Iran did what all Arabs could not do’ – that is, teach uppity Israel a stern lesson. The cry for peace has morphed into sympathy for war – if it’s war on the ‘Zionist entity’, that is...

Anti-Israel Activists Support Iran Attack on Israel.
Apr 14, 2024 — Asa Winstanley, a journalist at Electronic Intifada, tweeted: “THANK YOU IRAN”


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