Neo-Nazi pro-palestine anti-Israel

Neo-Nazis, Islamists declare ‘You Jews are beasts’ during protest of Israeli operation.
By Benjamin Weinthal. July 14, 2014
A demonstration in Frankfurt against Operation Protective Edge erupted into violence, with protesters tossing stones at the police.

UK: Nazis to Stand in Solidarity With Palestinians.
Jun 16, 2015.

German neo-Nazi party builds alliance with Assad and Hezbollah.
May 16, 2017 — The Assad regime has long been a safe zone for Nazi activity and mass murderers.

Neo-Nazis wave Palestinian flags in protest against Israel.
By Benjamin Weinthal Published: May 14, 2018.

German neo-Nazi politician meets Hezbollah, supports terror against Israel
By Benjamin Weinthal. March 24, 2019.

“The Lebanese Army and Hezbollah must receive support.”
A delegation of far-right extremist European politicians, including a German neo-Nazi leader, met recently with Hezbollah’s foreign affairs chief Ammar Al-Moussawi in Beirut to express support for the Lebanese terrorist organization’s fight against the Jewish state.

German diplomat for Palestine liked antisemitic and neo-Nazi/KKK tweets.
Jul 18, 2019.

Germany’s best selling paper Bild broke the story and showed screenshots of the Tweets on its website, stating the diplomat liked a large number of “antisemitic and anti-Israel” tweets.
The director of the German Foreign Ministry’s representation for the Palestinian territories, Christian Clages, was revealed on Thursday to have liked scores of antisemitic tweets while using his government Twitter feed.
Germany’s best-selling paper Bild broke the story and showed screenshots of the tweets on its website, stating the diplomat liked a large number of “antisemitic and anti-Israel” tweets.

Bild noted that “Even an exchange between leading US neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier David Duke and a Palestinian follower about an alleged and a Palestinian follower about an alleged Jewish massacre, the diplomat liked with a hear

Neo-Nazi protestors in Germany call for Palestinian help against Israel.
Anti-Semitism rears its head in Germany, as neo Nazi protesters march uninterrupted in the city of Dortmund, holding Swastika flags, praising the Third Reich, and calling for the destruction of Israel.
Zeev Avrahami|Published: 10.02.19 , 13:16,7340,L-5601134,00.html

German neo-Nazi, Green Parties laud EU branding Israeli products.
By Benjamin Weinthal. Nov 24, 2019

Officials Say Hate Crimes Against Jews Are Growing In The Aftermath Of Gaza Violence.
May 24, 2021. Jason Breslow.
On Twitter, the group said, it found more than 17,000 tweets using variations of the phrase “Hitler was right” between May 7 and 14.

Neo-Nazi van harasses pro-Israel supporters in Boca Raton, Florida.
May 14, 2021.

Neo-Nazis aligned with German-Muslims of Syrian, Lebanese origin v Israel.
By Benjamin Weinthal Published: June 3, 2021

The newest cast member of antisemitic symbols: Hamas paraglider.
Report says paraglider used by terrorists on Oct. 7 quickly adopted by social movements, student associations and neo-Nazis as anti-Israel symbol.
Yuval Mann | published: 10.31.23.

Pro-Hamas extremists and neo-Nazis flood social media with calls for violence.
Law enforcement officials are concerned about attacks on Jewish Americans, as well as Arab Americans and Muslim Americans, over the events in Israel and Gaza.
Oct. 18, 2023. By Ken Dilanian, Julia Ainsley, Tom Winter and Jonathan Dienst.

Neo-Nazis recruiting at a pro-Palestine rally in Pittsburgh.
This weekend, the flyer that was distributed looked like the below image and directed people to a neo-Nazi website
Oct 24, 2023

Hamas Paragliders Become Antisemitic Nazi Meme.
Hamas Attacked Israel With Paragliders. Nazis Made Them Into Antisemitic Memes.
Far-right extremists have seized on a symbol of the conflict to spread their message of hate.
Miles Klee.
October 25, 2023.
...Koch adds that the seeming alignment between western white supremacists and violent jihadist ideology is a measure of how disparate political factions around the globe take cues from each other thanks to the internet. “Despite the theological differences, despite the ethnic differences, religious differences, the extremists are learning from each other,” he says. The parallels don’t end with memes, either, he says: an affinity between extremist movements can also inspire one to copy another’s methods of inflicting death and destruction, from suicide bombings to vehicle attacks.
ActiveFence even discovered that a white supremacist is attempting to raise funds with merchandise that “combines Hamas and neo-Nazi symbology.” A Southern California man, who has drawn local news coverage for stunts in which he wears KKK hood or swastika in public, operates an online store called the Shekel Shop, where he now sells a paraglider T-shirt that references the Nazi Waffen-SS and includes a derogatory term for Jews. The paraglider in the illustration appears to be shooting the number 1488 from their weapon — the combination of two neo-Nazi numerical codes, one for the white supremacist slogan known as the Fourteen Words, the other meaning “Heil Hitler.”

Neo-Nazi Group Attend Pro-Palestine Demonstration In Midwest; Disseminate Antisemitic Flyers; Intimidate Jewish Protesters, And Threaten Violence At Further Rallies.
Request Report.
October 27, 2023

Palestine protests backed by Nazis celebrating ‘biggest anti-Jew march since Nuremberg.’
A neo-Nazi website praised pro-Palestine marchers for rallying against Israel in several countries over the weekend.
By Aurora Bosotti.
07:58, Tue, Nov 7, 2023 | UPDATED: 07:59, Tue, Nov 7, 2023

Why neo-Nazi groups are popping up at pro-Palestinian rallies.
White supremacist groups see an opportunity to further mainstream antisemitic tropes — and create new opportunities for extremist violence.
Nov 9, 2023

Australian neo-nazis, anti-vaxxers co-opting pro-Palestine protests.
Crikey. Nov 15, 2023

Pro-Hamas And Neo-Nazi Supporters To Meet On New Year’s Eve On Paris.’ Champs Elysees To Join Existing Celebrations With Palestinian Flags
Request Report
December 31, 2023

White supremacists use October to bolster antisemitism.
Mar 9, 2024 — White supremacists, seizing on Israel-Hamas war, have accelerated their antisemitism since Oct. 7.
By Andrew Lapin/JTA Published: March 9, 2024.

(A neo-Nazi speaker is blurred out and his microphone is cut off as he speaks during a city council meeting in Evanston, Illinois, Feb. 22, 2024. (photo credit: SCREENSHOT VIA YOUTUBE, THE BOSTON MAPPING PROJECT/SCREENSHOT VIA MAPLIBERATION.ORG)

“It literally is a new normal. There’s just far more violent antisemitism on these platforms than we’ve ever seen before.”
At a recent city council meeting in Evanston, Illinois, a man in dark sunglasses stepped up to the podium during the public comment period to accuse the Anti-Defamation League of stifling free speech.

Wearing a hat with the logo of the neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League, the man — who claimed to be a local resident — held up what he said was an “ADL toolkit that was sent to city councils across this nation.”

Free Palestine Melbourne says it’s powerless to stop neo-Nazi’s hijacking comment sections.
Free Palestine Melbourne says it doesn’t have the power to stop neo-Nazis hijacking their social media, after a comment that read “that German guy was right” was left on their Facebook page for days.
Will Keech.
June 1, 2024 - 3:42PM
Sunday Herald Sun

Jewish. sefardita86:

David Duke Attends a Pro-Palestine Protest in Detroit
Politics & Antisemitism
Well, they did it. They got David Duke.

Kosher🎗🧡 @KosherCockney:
🚨 Former KKK Grand Wizard sides with “Pro-Palestinians”

KKK chief David Duke joins a protest in Detroit after AFPAC, run by Neo-N*zi Nick Fuentes that was shut down.

“Save us from Jewish supremacism. We’re being genocided just like the Palestinians.”
June 16, 2024


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