The Intercept - another cesspool

JTA Improves Language After Whitewashing Glenn Greenwald’s Antisemitic Rhetoric.
June 28, 2020
Greenwald, founder of The Intercept, has not merely “criticized Israel and its political leadership” – he has also repeatedly engaged in age-old antisemitic charges against American Jewry. For instance, he leveled the dual loyalty charge against American Jews, smearing them as “Israel-firsters.”


Glenn Greenwald Resigns From The Intercept, Claims He Was Censored.
Maxwell Tani
Media Reporter.
Justin Baragona,
Senior Media Reporter.
Oct. 29, 2020


Glenn Greenwald Leaves The Intercept, Claiming He Was Censored.
Mr. Greenwald will join other high-profile journalists who have left major media outlets to work largely on their own at Substack.
Oct. 29, 2020


Anti-Israel journalists cover up the Palestinians’ murder of numerous Americans.
August 24, 2022
Activists masquerading as reporters appear to believe the lives of American victims of Palestinian terror, Jewish and non-Jewish, do not matter.


HonestReporting @HonestReporting:
SICKENING: @JamesRisen1 minimizes the mass murder and mutilation of 1,300+ Israelis and the kidnapping of over 150 down to the equivalent of a “prison riot.”

Does @theintercept have no moral compass?..
8:44 AM · Oct 19, 2023


‘The Intercept’ and Oct. 7 rape denialism
The web magazine wants to spin an anti-Israel conspiracy without appearing to do so.
(March 20, 2024 / JNS)
According to its mission statement, the web magazine The Intercept is “here to change the world, not just describe it.” Since Oct. 7, however, its mission creep has been anything but subtle. It now seeks to change the world through fabrication and conspiracy theories.

In January, I began receiving fundraising emails from The Intercept’s Ryan Grim and Jeremy Scahill. “We’re investigating media bias toward Israel. Can you donate $15?” was the title of one. “As The Intercept’s D.C. bureau chief and a veteran of Capitol Hill reporting,” Grim wrote in another, “this is far from the first time I’ve seen AIPAC wield its financial might.” Another repeated the shameful canard that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza.

I wondered whether these journalists had any ethical qualms about failing to disclose in their Israel coverage that they were using that coverage to solicit donations. Those donations are processed through the PAC ActBlue, the financial might of which eclipses that of the pro-Israel AIPAC—a frequent target of cartoonish antisemitic conspiracy theories.

The Intercept hit a dismal new low in February with the publication of “Between the Hammer and the Anvil: The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé.” Along with Grim and Scahill, the byline features Prem Thakker. The ostensible focus is a set of shortcomings in the Times’s the Times’s “‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7.” The real target, however, is the underlying allegation that Hamas committed systematic rape during its Oct. 7 rampage. Put simply, the piece all but outright denies that these mass rapes occurred, blaming the allegation on an Israeli government conspiracy. Because it’s part of a broader conspiracist effort to conceal the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence, it’s worth exposing how the article unravels.

Both the Times and The Intercept begin with the image of 34-year-old Gal Abdush, “the woman in the black dress,” a mother of two whose body was found near the remains of the Nova music festival. According to The Intercept, “video of her charred body appeared to show her bottomless.” The word “appeared” is telling.


The Rape Deniers
April 4, 2024


Washington Post Platforms Superficial “As a Jew” Op-Ed on Israel & Gaza.
Chaim Lax
April 11, 2024

Peter Maass, a journalist and former senior editor at left-wing publication The Intercept, admits that his “Jewish identity was always a bit vague.” He is also not an expert on international law, military tactics, or even the Middle East in general.

However, none of this has stopped Maass from using his Jewish heritage and past experience covering the war in Bosnia in the 1990s as a platform from which to not only falsely accuse Israel of war crimes in the present day but also to re-invent history in a recent op-ed for The Washington Post.


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