Fake quotes and lies on Talmud
32 years ago when the web and www was new I was friends of one of the early or founding contributors to Nizkor Project, 1991-2012.
Nizkor specialized in Shoa denial refutation but it also had a Talmud distortion section which was mostly sourced from 1990s usenet discussion http://web.archive.org/web/20180918194045/http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi?antisemitism/talmud (here's a antisemite favourite Jews condone enoucrage sexual relations from 3 year onwards http://web.archive.org/web/20180918210322/http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi?antisemitism/talmud/young-girls )
Having some experience in this and the mindset of the other side, what makes Talmud-based antisemitism so effective (which is why the Catholic Church, Luther, all salon antisemites, Streicher of course used it) is that it's what some else once called truth-adjacent: Many quotes are indeed not made up but re-interpreted as maliciously as possible in a completely denuded context, ignoring the hermeunetic framework to interpret it. The Talmud is not studied or understood like that (which is why millions of v smart people can study it for 80 years over three millenia and still find novel insights).
Since I am a ex-CS prof I like to explain it this way: There is a v niche programming language called ArnoldC which as you have rightly guessed consist of programming w the movie guy's famous quotes https://esolangs.org/wiki/ArnoldC
This is a standard first program which prints
J-TV recently put up a good video where Rabbi Daniel Rowe puts the quotes in context, or shows that the meaning has been twisted.
(Some are outright fabrications, like the "Gad Shas 2:2" quote. What book is that?)
Dismantling Dan Bilzerian's FAKE Talmud Quotes … —
(What is ADAM"? HUMAN?)
We all know about Mendel Beilis trial
A response to arguments containing false Talmudic quotes : r/DebateReligion
Dec 11, 2023.
Fake quotes from the Talmud.
The entire list of those quotes have been debunked and explained. This is from 1937 at Nazis rise https://www.jta.org/archive/oxford-professor-defends-talmud-against-nazi-accusation This is at the early years of internet https://www.angelfire.com/mt/talmud/ Here is a pdf and https://aish.com/misquoting-the-talmud/
and https://blog.nli.org.il/en/against_the_talmud/ There is no need for me to do that here.
Speaking of TALMUD quotes:
To break a verbal engagement, though legally not binding, is a moral wrong. —The Talmud Topics: Truth
Who is a wise man? He who looks into the future. —The Talmud Topics: Wisdom
Anger profiteth nobody. —The Talmud Topics: Anger
Ignorance and conceit go hand in hand. —The Talmud Topics: Wisdom, Conceit
It is a bounden duty to visit the sick. —The Talmud
The righteous control their desires, but the desires of the wicked control them. —The Talmud
It is sinful to deceive any man, be he even a heathen. —The Talmud Topics: Truth
Examine the contents, not the bottle. —The Talmud
He who loves thee scolds thee. —The Talmud Topics: Love
Envy, lust, ambition, bring a man to perdition. —The Talmud
When a son is called to do a service for his parents, he must first see that his person is tidy and clean; for a child must attend to his parents as though they were his king and queen. —The Talmud
He who cannot bear one word of reproof will have to hear many. —The Talmud
He who unjustly hands over one man’s goods to another, he shall pay God for it with his own soul. —The Talmud Topics: Honesty
The value of the words uttered with the lips is determined by the devotion of the heart. —The Talmud Topics: Prayer
The love which shirks from reproving is no love. —The Talmud Topics: Love
He who gives way to his wrath makes desolate his house. —The Talmud Topics: Anger
The disciples of the wise are engaged all their days in building up the world. —The Talmud Topics: Wisdom
The less the merits of a person are, the more he will feel urged to proclaim them to the public. —The Talmud
The study of God’s Word is the only antidote against temptation. —The Talmud Topics: Temptation
Guard thy mouth from uttering an unseemly word. —The Talmud Topics: Slander
A man commits sin in secret; but the Holy One proclaims it openly. —The Talmud Topics: Sin
He who turns away from the works of love and charity, turns away from God. —The Talmud Topics: Charity
Regulate thy will in accordance with God’s will, and submit thy will to His will. —The Talmud
There is a compensation for everything except our first love. —The Talmud Topics: Love
Who is a hero? He who conquers his urges. —The Talmud Topics: Heroes
Do not appease thy fellow in his hour of anger; do not comfort him while the dead is still laid out before him; do not question him in the hour of his vow; and do not strive to see him in his hour of misfortune. —The Talmud
What is sweeter than sweetness? Peace after enmity. —The Talmud
Thy friend has a friend, and thy friend’s friend has a friend; be discreet. —The Talmud Topics: Gossip
All ailings, only not the ailing of heart; all evils, but not an evil wife. —The Talmud
Simon the Just…used to say, “Upon three things the world stands: On Torah, on (Divine) Service, and on Deeds of Lovingkindness.”
Pirke Avot 1:2
Hillel used to say: ”If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”
Pirke Avot 1:14
Simeon, the son of Rabban Gamliel, said: “I was brought up all my life among the Sages, and I have found nothing as good for the body as silence, and it is not the study/explication that is the essence – but the practice/doing, and whoever is profuse of words occasions sin.”
Pirke Avot 1:17
Rabban Simeon, son of Gamliel, said, “On three things the world stands: On Judgment, on Truth, and on Peace…”
Pirke Avot 1:18
Rabbi Yose said: ”Let your friend’s property be as precious to you as your own; Give yourself to studying the Torah, for it does not come to you by inheritance; and let all your deeds be done in the name of Heaven.”
Pirke Avot 2:12
He (Rabbi Tarfon) also used to say, “It is not your obligation to complete the task, but neither are you at liberty to desist from it entirely…”
Pirke Avot 2:16
Another teaching of Rabbi Akiva: “Everything is foreseen, yet free will is granted; By goodness is the universe judged, yet all depends on the preponderance of (good) deeds….”
Pirke Avot 3:1
Ben Zoma said, “Who is wise? The one who learns from all people… “Who is mighty? The one who subdues the evil inclination… “Who is rich? The who who rejoices in his portion…. “Who is honored? The one who honors other human beings….”
Pirke Avot 4:1
Rabbi Jacob used to say, “Better is one hour of t’shuvah (returning/repentance) and good deeds in this world than the whole life of the world-to-come and better is one hour of spiritual bliss in the world-to-come than all the the life of this world!”
Pirke Avot 4:17
Rabbi (Meir) said, ”Look not at the flask but at what is therein; There may be a new flask full of old wine, And an old flask wherein is not even new wine.” [inner greatness...]
Pirke Avot 4:20
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