PBS' Amna Nawaz echo chamber "interviewing" Dearborn Jihad mayor Abdallah Hammoud

[Dearborn mayor: ‘The door is cracked open’ for Harris to address frustrations over Gaza.' PBS News Hour. Aug 7, 2024 6:45 PM EDT]

Watching the so predictable lines of this pro jihad radical-Arab mayor, one of his drama lines were that his/their position is "center."

Asked about their "uncommitted" voice drive, then about Trump. He reminded the obvious of Trump's actions, such as moving the embassy to Jerusalem, he added about his cutting aid without Amna mentioning Palestinian Authority 'Pay for Slay' bloody problem, of course.

As is typical, he cited the ICJ to "affirm" his propaganda. While the screen shows the anti-Israel longtime bigoted Arab Nawaf Salam begore he was able to use the ICJ rope.

The strange (yet not surprising) from Islamic Amna Nawaz, what she didn't ask him: If staying at home won't help Trump.



1. This is the Mayor Abdullah Hammoud who accused falsely Israel for bombing Hospital when it was Palestinian Islamic Jihad weapon.

2. Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital.

Imams and politicians in the Michigan city side with Hamas against Israel and Iran against the U.S.

Feb. 2, 2024.



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