Who and how the G word ("genocide") is being pushed - at the wrong side - Pallyweid

Who and how the G word ("genocide") is being pushed

While the clear Gaza regime (Health Ministry) Hamas charter is openly genocidal and so are jihadists intent, one is only left to look at the Oct 7 atrocities, to imagine, what could have happen if not for 24/7 defensive war for decades.

Or just think about the thousands of rockets. The intent and attempt are always there. Non stop.

Yet, the G word is exclusively applied to the fighters for survival.

Here are the main forces/tools behind (asides from Hamas and PA sending S.A.):

1. Arab activists. Have been using hyperbolic terminology for decades - Pallyweid.

Qatar who plays both dides and has long been hosting and propagating for [1] Hamas. Its media: Al Jazeera (termed as Hamas' mouthpiece already in the past, by Arabs [2]) has had the G title since the beginning of the war day in day out with graphic images carefully coming out from Hamas "Gaza health ministry." So are the other Qatar linked media TheNewArab and MiddleEastEye.

And of course, Pro-Palestine protests are generously funded by donors promoting radical Islam studies

Besides Iran's hand there: Iran Finances U.S. Campus Protests: Top Intel Official

2. Gullible or not radical leftist activists who can't 'see' really who is behind the calculated deaths. It's very hard to point out "Palestine" 'dead baby strategy' its use of civilians, when one sees dead children.

3. Bigots. Example, UN's Francesca Albanese. Denounced for her hatred in the past [3] [4] including by the US and Europeans [5]. She already used the G word in 2014.

4. Added feature: OIC control over UN who to appoint and what agendas are to be handled and how to vote, is an open secret.

Added hypocrisy is the silence over real Genocide in Sudan by Arab supremacists. .


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