Arab-Islamic Goliath slave trade & Islamic fascist Farrakhan lie
ARAB SLAVE TRADE While the Goliath Arab Islamic slave trade was immense and its lingering effects and discrimination are still in various areas: Arab slave trade covers various periods in which a slave trade has been carried out under the auspices of Arab peoples or Arab countries. Such as: - Al-Andalus slave trade. - Barbary slave trade. - Trans-Saharan slave trade. - Indian Ocean slave trade. - Comoros slave trade. - Zanzibar slave trade. - Ottoman slave trade. - Red Sea slave trade. Hentz, James J. (2013). Routledge Handbook of African Security. p.294 Unfortunately these racist attitudes were to persist, given slavery's twin legacy, that of Arabism and Islamism. ____ Lawson, Edward H. (1996). Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Taylor & Francis. p. 1418 . ...ingrained psychology of racism or Arabism which deems the Dinka inferior. ____ Murray, G. (1989). Slavery in the Arab World. United States: New Amsterdam Books.